Hanoi provides medical supplies to help Moscow cope with COVID-19

On behalf of the Party organisation, administration and people of Hanoi, Chairman of the city People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung presented medical supplies to the Russian capital of Moscow and the Vietnamese community in the country on May 12, in support of efforts to tackle COVID-19.
Hanoi provides medical supplies to help Moscow cope with COVID-19 ảnh 1Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung (fourth, right) presents the medical supplies to Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Konstantin Vnukov on May 12 (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - On behalf of the Party organisation, administration and people of Hanoi, Chairman of the city People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung presented medical supplies to the Russian capital of Moscow and the Vietnamese community in the country on May 12, in support of efforts to tackle COVID-19.

Chung said all countries are making every effort to contain the pandemic but none can single-handedly deal with the problem. Enhancing international cooperation and solidarity is therefore of critical importance to stopping the spread of the disease and minimising its socioeconomic impact on each nation and region.

Based on the Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership and the traditional friendship between the two capitals, the Party organisation, administration and people of Hanoi wish to share some of their resources with Moscow’s administration and people in the fight against COVID-19, he noted.

For his part, Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Konstantin Vnukov said that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the country’s Government, necessary measures have been adopted to curb the pandemic and Vietnam is now among the best performers in combating COVID-19.

On behalf of the Moscow administration and people, he thanked Hanoi for the gifts.

At the handover ceremony, Hanoi presented 100,000 antibacterial cloth face masks and 50,000 medical face masks to Moscow, along with another 50,000 masks to the Vietnamese Embassy and Vietnamese community in Russia./.

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