HCM City: Rosy trumpet trees turn streets pink

Tabebuia rosea, also known as pink poui and rosy trumpet trees, are in full bloom in many streets of Ho Chi Minh City, creating poetic scenes.
HCM City: Rosy trumpet trees turn streets pink ảnh 1The trumpet-shaped flowers have a soft pink colour and grow in bunches of about 10 – 20 pieces. (Photo: Tin tuc newspaper/VNA)
HCM City: Rosy trumpet trees turn streets pink ảnh 2The flowers originate from the Americas, and have been experimentally planted in Ho Chi Minh City since 2009. Their colour is similar to that of cherry blossoms. The flowers bloom in April and last until June. (Photo: Tin tuc newspaper/VNA)
HCM City: Rosy trumpet trees turn streets pink ảnh 3The flowers originate from the Americas, and have been experimentally planted in Ho Chi Minh City since 2009. Their colour is similar to that of cherry blossoms. The flowers bloom in April and last until June. (Photo: Tin tuc newspaper/VNA)
HCM City: Rosy trumpet trees turn streets pink ảnh 4The best time to take photos of rosy trumpet flowers is in the morning, when the petals are fresh and brightly coloured. (Photo: Tin tuc newspaper/VNA)
HCM City: Rosy trumpet trees turn streets pink ảnh 5Rosy trumpet flowers bloom along Vo Van Kiet Street in District 1. (Photo: Tin tuc newspaper/VNA)

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