HCM City’s leader receives Chinese guest

Vice Chairman of the People’s Council of Ho Chi Minh City Pham Duc Hai on November 6 hosted a reception for Chairman of the Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress of China Li Fei.
HCM City’s leader receives Chinese guest ảnh 1At the meeting (Photo: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) – Vice Chairman of the People’s Council of Ho Chi Minh City Pham Duc Hai on November 6 hosted a reception for Chairman of the Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress of China Li Fei.

At the meeting, Hai said the Party, Government and people of Vietnam always attach importance to developing the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation with their Chinese counterparts.

Vietnam stands ready to work, together with China, to develop the bilateral relationship in a healthy, stable and sustainable manner, for the sake of the two peoples, and for peace, stability and development of each nation, the region and the world at large, the official added.

Hai told his guest that the municipal People’s Council is implementing the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 54 on piloting special mechanisms and policies for the development of HCM City.

Many important contents of the resolution such as administrative reform, automobile parking fees on roads, adjustment of environmental protection fee and income increase for public servants have been realised, according to the host.

Besides, the council has supervised the performance of authorities in the work, he said. 

Hai said the municipal People’s Council as well as districts, wards and communes of HCM City have set up their own legal boards which are in charge of law-related issues and providing consultations for authorities in this regard.

For his part, Li Fei said his committee always places importance on developing relations with the Vietnamese Government and people, especially the National Assembly and local People’s Councils.

This is the first overseas visit by the committee’s officials since it was established in 2018, he said.

Apart from assessing legal projects and documents, the committee has been tasked with clarifying and implementing the Constitution, Li Fei said, adding that through the visit, the Chinese sides wants to intensify the exchange of experience in popolarising and materialising the Constitution, and learn from operational experience of the HCM City People’s Council.-VNA 

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