Hanoi (VNA) – Indian Minister ofExternal Affairs Sushma Swaraj had a meeting with Secretary General of theAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Dato Paduka Lim Jock Hoi inJakarta on January 6 as part of her visit to Indonesia, spokesperson of theIndian Ministry of External Affairs Raveesh Kumar twittered.
The meeting took place in the context that India is scaling up efforts toenhance cooperation with the region in accordance with its “Act East” policy.
Kumar also said that on the threshold of the summit commemorating the 25th anniversary of India-ASEAN Dialogue Partnership, Swaraj inaugurated the fifthRound Table of ASEAN-Indian Network of Think-Tank.
On January 5, Swaraj held talks with her Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudito review relations between India and Indonesia.
The two sides agreed to intensify consultation and cooperation in maritimeissues, including the United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS),aiming to increase law enforcement and ensure navigation freedom.
India-Indonesia trade grew from 4.3 billion USD in 2005-2006 to 17 billion USDin 2016-2017.
Following Indonesia, Swarai on January 6 began her visit to Singapore. Her tripto Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore forms part of India’s efforts to holdbilateral meetings in various areas with Southeast Asian nations within theframework of the “Act East” policy.-VNA