The IPU-132 has great historical and diplomatic significance to Vietnam,representing the Vietnamese National Assembly’s willingness tointegrate intensively and extensively to the international community as aresponsible member of the global parliamentary union.
In his welcome remarks, State President Truong Tan Sang said over thepast 36 years, Vietnam has stood shoulder by shoulder with other IPUmembers in efforts to strive for common goals on sustainabledevelopment, democracy promotion, human right protection, genderequality, children’s rights and other fundamental rights.
Thanks to its 30-year Doi Moi (Renewal) process, Vietnam has risenfrom a low-income country to a development partner with a dynamiceconomy and an attractive destination to investors, he noted.
As the host of the IPU-132, Vietnam wishes to work together with otherIPU members and the United Nations to build and implement sustainabledevelopment goals (SDGs) for a brighter future of humans.
As an active and responsible member of the IPU and other internationalorganisations, Vietnam will do its utmost to, together with theinternational community, build a world of peace, stability, cooperationand prosperity, he said.
The country also intends toaddress disputes, including those relating to the East Sea, by peacefulmeans on the basis of international law, particularly the UnitedNations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and agreements reached byregional countries, he added.
IPU President SaberChowdhury spoke highly of Vietnam’s thorough preparations for thelarge-scale diplomatic event, affirming that people’s wellbeing is givena focal position in discussions in the event and pointing to the needto carry out SDGs.
UN Secretary-General SpecialAdviser Anina J. Mohammed read UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’smessage which noted that proposed SDGs must not leave anyone behind andthat parliaments could support and facilitate discussions on how eachcountry sees its future sustainable development.
When delivering an opening speech, National Assembly Chairman NguyenSinh Hung said the IPU-132’s theme “The Sustainable Development Goals:Turning words into action” is extremely important at a time when the15-year 2000-2015 implementation of Millennium Development Goals isabout to finish and the United Nations is to adopt an agenda forpost-2015 development.
“At this assembly, we,therefore, take responsibility for discussing carefully roles, tasks,and measures of national assemblies and parliaments, to turn ‘words intoaction’, expedite SDGs, and deliver messages carrying strongcommitments of world parliament communities in implementing productivelySDGs,” Chairman Hung said.
He emphasised the needto raise awareness and rally social resources, including financial andtechnical ones, for the implementation and supervision of SDGs contents.
TheChairman expressed his belief that the IPU-132 will accomplish designedagendas, reach a high consensus on adopting the Hanoi IPU Declarationthat would present big issues discussed and constitute commitments madeby the IPU and its member parliaments to pushing for the developmentprogramme after 2015.
He said the document with aclear message on parliament role in implementing the post-2015development programme that will be submitted to the United NationsGeneral Assembly in September, 2015 will be a practical contribution tothe next phase of development of the international community.
After the opening ceremony, Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung hosed a banquet in honour of participants in the IPU-132.
The IPU-132 brought together over 160 participating internationaldelegations, including those from IPU member parliaments, associatemembers, and foreign organisations.
Participantswill attend 70 sessions, discussing and adopting several draftresolutions on cyber warfare, water governance, and international law inrelation with national sovereignty.-VNA