Int'l media interest in Vietnam’s development orientations

The outcomes of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s 13th National Congress have continued to be in the spotlight of regional and international media outlets.

The Malaysia-based New Straits Times on February 1 spent half a page in its World column reporting the results of the congress. The article emphasised that Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's determination to fight corruption has been supported by the majority of the Vietnamese people and CPV members.

The Republic of Korea’s news agency Yonhap, UK-based Reteurs and a German newspaper commented that the outcomes of the congress showed that Vietnam is focusing on the stability of its State. The country will maintain its current stance and policies, open to the outside world and attract foreign investment as a driving force for economic growth.

Meanwhile the Kuwait Times e-paper ran an article affirming that the successfully-ended 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam marks a turning point to Vietnam in the next five years./.