The Vietnamese Government also contributed 150,000 USD to thetechnical assistance project which will help work out the criteria foreconomic evaluation of environment services at provincial level as wellas the procedures for pilot programmes and the payments for forestryenvironmental services.
Speaking at the signingceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on July 29, Deputy GeneralDirector of Vietnam’s Forestry Administration at the Ministry ofAgriculture and Rural Development Vo Dai Hai said that Vietnamintroduced a policy on payments for forestry services in 2008 and hadcollected 1 trillion VND (47.6 million USD) annually from theseservices.
However, it still faced with problems incarrying out the policies because of poor communications, inadequatestaff and not enough individuals being allocated to forestry protection.
ADB Country Director Tomoyuki Kimura said that thebank will continue to promote green growth in Vietnam includingimproving payments for forestry services. In 2010, Vietnam introducednew regulations on payments for forestry environmental services, whichtook effect in 2011.-VNA