Lacquer making is a unique traditional art form of Vietnam.

The artists use various materials and techniques, including ball-point pen, charcoal, water colour, oil on canvas and wax-colour to make wares in different themes and designs.

The making of lacquer wares is being introduced at the Hanoia House on Hang Dao street, one of the busiest streets in the capital city of Hanoi.

The exhibition aims to bring the art form closer to the public. 

Each lacquer piece has to go through many handy steps. Sometimes, the process takes up to over three months. Patience, concentration and skills of craftsmen are crucial.

The exhibition allows visitors to get involved in the making process under the meticulous instruction of craftsmen.

Lacquer art, originated in China, was introduced to Vietnam several thousand years ago. It has been localised with Vietnamese skills. Vietnamese lacquer wares range from home décor to jewelry. They usually feature the country’s culture, landscapes, and daily life.-VNA