Speaking at the launch, MalaysianDeputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi,who is also Chairman of the Malaysian Halal Development Council, said the plan’stheme of “Prominent, Visible and Globalised Halal Malaysia” represents the country’s target of promoting comprehensivegrowth and developing a robust halal industry ecosystem with more products andservices to support future growth.
He said one of thepriorities for 2023 of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI),the strategic driver for the HIMP 2030, is to expand trade for which halalgoods and services could play a more prominent role.
The official noted via the HIMP 2030, Malaysia expects its halal industry will reach113.2 billion USD by 2030 and contribute 8.1% to the GDP by 2025. The planset up 23 initiatives, seven strategic thrusts, and five key target outcomes.
Malaysia’s halal exports continued growingin 2022, by 63.8% year on year to 59.46 billion RM (13.4 billion USD).
Food and beverages remain the maincontributors to the country’s Halal economy with 27.84 billion RM in exportvalue, equivalent to 46.8% of total halal exports. They were followed by halalingredients, the cosmetics and personal care sector, palm oil derivatives, andthe industrial chemical sector, according to MITI./.