Hanoi (VNA) - Thenumber of people accessing the State’s and community’s priority policies andprogrammes is increasing, said Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung.
Minister Dung wasspeaking at the anniversary to mark the International Day for Persons withDisability on December 3.
Vietnamhas around 6.2 million people over the age of two with disabilities, making up7.06 percent of the country’s population.
Of those, 28 percentare severely disabled, 58 percent female, 28 percent children and 10 percentliving in poverty.
Most live in ruralareas and many are victims of Agent Orange.
Minister Dung saidthe State, the Party and Vietnamese people have paid much care to persons with disability.
Vietnamratified the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons withDisability in 2014.
In March this year,the country ratified the International Labour Organisation’s Convention 159about jobs for persons with disability.
It strongly confirmedVietnam’s commitment to ensuringthe disabled would not be discriminated at work.
In November, theSecretariat Committee issued Instruction 39 about the Party’s leadership of affairsrelated to people with disability. The National Assembly later ratified theamended Law on Labour with many adjustments relating to disabled people.
Minister Dung said that everyyear, millions of disabled people receive an allowance from the State and allof provinces and cities have rehabilitationcentres.
Organisations forthem have also been expanded.
This year, more than 17trillion VND (735.4 million USD)from the State budget was allocated to provinces and cities to implementpolicies for people with disability, according to the Ministry of Labour,Invalids and Social Affairs./.