- President Vo Van Thuong joinedrepresentatives of intellectuals, scientists, and artists nationwide in agathering held in Hanoi on February 29, stressing the importance of promotingtheir role in national construction and defence.

- Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of itsCommission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung held an online meetingwith Head of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Central Committee of theCommunist Party of Cuba Emilio Lozada Garcia on February 29.

- Ambassador Mai Phan Dung, Permanent Representative ofVietnam to the United Nations (UN), World Trade Organisation (WTO), and otherinternational organisations in Geneva, Switzerland, on February 29 presentedhis credentials to Director-General of the United Nations Office in GenevaTatiana Valovaya.

- Tu Chinh reef (internationallyknown as Vanguard Bank) is part of Vietnam's continental shelf and itssovereignty is established in full in accordance with the 1982 United NationsConvention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), stated Foreign Ministry’sspokesperson Pham Thu Hang on February 29.
Hang made the statement at the ministry's regularpress conference in response to reporters’ queries regarding China’s recentdeployment of coast guard ships to operate in Vietnam's Tu Chinh reef area. Read full story
- Vice Chairman of the Hai Phong city People’s CommitteeHoang Minh Cuong on February 29 afternoon received a delegation from twovessels of Japan's Maritime Self-Defence Force (MSDF) that are making a portcall to the Vietnamese northern port city.

- Vietnam has recorded a trade surplus of 4.72billion USD in the first two months of 2024, higher than the figure of 3.5billion USD reported in the same period last year, according to the GeneralStatistics Office (GSO).
In the period, the country's total import-exportturnover is estimated at 113.96 billion USD, up 18.6% year-on-year. Read full story
- Facing adverse impacts of the COVID-19pandemic and the world’s economic and political issues, the Ministry of Finance(MoF) has suggested authorities promulgate and issued many unprecedentedsolutions in terms of taxes, fees, and charges to assist people and businesses,including those from the Republic of Korea (RoK), an official has said.
Deputy Minister of Finance Cao Anh Tuan made theremarks while addressing a dialogue on taxation and customs policies withKorean businesses in Hanoi on February 29. Read full story
- Health records revealed that Vietnam ishome to about 100 rare diseases and around 6 million patients, heard asymposium held by the Vietnam Medical Association in Hanoi on February 29.
Of the rare diseases in the Southeast Asiannation, 58% are found among children, of whom 30% die before they reach the ageof five./.Read full story