– Vietnam always attaches importance tocultural development, considering culture both a driving force and a goal fornational development, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. During areception in Hanoi on September 6 for UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay,Chinh thanked UNESCO for cooperating with Vietnam in the areas of education,science, culture and information-communications.Read full story
- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on September 6extended his sympathy to Chinese Premier Li Keqiangover the losses of human lives and property due to the earthquake on September5 in China. The same day, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Sonalso sent condolences to Chinese State Councillor and ForeignMinister Wang Yi.Read full story
- National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue hosted areception for Governor of Cambodia's Phnom Penh Khuong Sreng on September 6 inHanoi. During the meeting, the Vietnamese legislator praised Cambodia'sCOVID-19 response and post-pandemic recovery, and congratulated the Cambodian People'sParty (CPP) on its important victory in the commune/ward council elections forthe fifth tenure held in June this year. Read full story
– A ceremony was held in Hanoi on September 6 to mark 35years of the UNESCO Resolution 24C/18.65, which honours President Ho Chi Minhas a Hero of National Liberation and a Great Man of Culture of Vietnam.
The ceremony was held in both virtual andin-person forms, with the attendance of Politburo member and Standing DeputyPrime Minister Pham Binh Minh, Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan, visiting UNESCODirector General Audrey Azoulay, along with delegates from Vietnameseministries, agencies, organisations and foreign agencies and organisations inVietnam.Read full story
– Head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic CommissionTran Tuan Anh has affirmed the Vietnamese Party and State’s determination toactively respond to climate change and deliver on relevant internationalcommitments. During a reception in Hanoi on August 6 for the US SpecialPresidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, Anh spoke highly of Kerry’sdedication in various positions, contributing to strengthening bilateralall-around ties.Read full story
– A business dialogue between Vietnam and Russia took placein the Russian city of Vladivostok on September 6 within the framework of theongoing 7th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF). In his remarks deliveredvirtually, Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi said this is thefirst business dialogue between the two countries held as part of the EEF, witha large number of enterprises from both sides in attendance, reflectingRussia’s interest in stepping up ties with Vietnam. Read full story
– The Finance Ministry said on September 6 thatMoody’s Investors Service has upgraded Vietnam’s long-term issuer andsenior unsecured ratings to Ba2 from Ba3 and changed the outlook to stable frompositive.
The ministry said the upgrade to Ba2 reflects theassessment by Moody's that Vietnam's economy has growing strengths and greaterresilience to external macroeconomic shocks that are indicative of improvedpolicy effectiveness. Read full story
- The connection between the marine freight routebetween Vietnam and Vladivostok in Russia and a rail route fromVladivostok to Moscow was launched at a ceremony on September 6. The connectionuses a digital security mechanism so customers and related agencies can trackgoods moving on the route in real time, and make it possibleto implement customs clearance of goods even at the end point in Moscow.Read full story/.