Museum of Mother Goddesses featured at global architecture playground

The Museum of Mother Goddesses, owned by cheo artist and comedian Xuan Hinh and designed by architect Nguyễn Hà, was honoured at the recent “The World Around 2024” conference. The museum combines traditional construction methods with modern forms, serving as a testament to the urbanisation of rural landscapes in Vietnam while preserving a threatened cultural heritage.

Following its success of being named Best Architecture Project of 2023 by Domus magazine, Artist Xuan Hinh’s Museum of Mother Goddesses, an indigenous religion in the north of Vietnam, helped architect Nguyễn Hà win the award for the most promising architect under-45 globally. This culturally rich architectural work was then introduced at “The World Around 2024” - a prestigious international architecture conference.

At the conference, architect Nguyễn Hà delivered an impressive presentation before many renowned figures in the field of architecture.

She showcased how the Museum of Mother Goddesses is not only a culturally significant structure, that demonstrates the urbanisation of Vietnam’s rural landscapes and preserves a threatened cultural heritage, but also represents a new approach to architecture, integrating culture, beliefs, and local elements.

Her innovative and thoughtful approach received high praise from international experts, marking a significant milestone for Vietnamese architecture on the global stage.

“The World Around 2024” conference was held on Saturday, May 11, in New York, to highlight new projects worldwide.

It focused on the intersection of architecture with ecological and social equity, bringing together interdisciplinary groups to present new approaches to landscapes and urban areas, material innovation, housing, and cultural spaces, sharing the extraordinary ways architects and designers are addressing contemporary challenges./.