Hanoi (VNA) – The National Assembly (NA)passed a resolution on the election of chairpersons of a number of NACommittees on April 7, with approval of all 463 deputies present at the session.
According to the resolution, Nguyen Dac Vinh, memberof the Party Central Committee and member of the NA Standing Committee, waselected as Chairman of the 14th NA’s Committee for Culture,Education, Youth and Adolescents.
Le Quang Huy, member of the Party Central Committeeand member of the NA Standing Committee, has become new Chairman of the NACommittee for Science, Technology and Environment.
Meanwhile, Vu Hai Ha, member of the Party CentralCommittee and member of the NA Standing Committee, will hold the post ofChairman of the NA Committee for External Relations.
The resolution took effect as soon as it won theapproval of the legislature.
Also at the session, Bui Van Cuong, member of theParty Central Committee and member of the NA Standing Committee, was elected SecretaryGeneral of the 14th legislature.
A resolution on his election won approval votes ofall 465 deputies present at the working session or 96.88 percent of total NAdeputies, and came into force right after that.
Tran Sy Thanh, member of the Party Central Committeeand Vice Chairman of the NA Office, has become new State Auditor General aftera resolution on his election gained approval votes of all 462 participating deputies.
During the morning working session, Prime MinisterPham Minh Chinh submitted a proposal on the relief of a number of Deputy PrimeMinisters, Ministers and Government members.
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, who is also Chairman ofthe National Election Council, presented proposals on relieving several ViceChairpersons and members of the NEC.
State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc also proposed therelief of a number of members of the Council on National Defence and Security.
The proposals were then discussed in groups, withdiscussion outcomes to be presented in the afternoon./.