NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said the15th meeting will discuss issues to be submitted to the NA’s fourthsession this October, including supervision results of the implementation ofpolicies and legal regulations on thrift practice and wastefulness preventionduring the 2016 - 2021 term; reports on the performance of the Supreme People’s Courtand Supreme People’s Procuracy; the Government’s reports on corruptionprevention and control; the fight against crimes and law violations; and thelaw enforcement in 2022.
The NA Standing Committee will look intothe State Audit Office of Vietnam’s report on the 2022 performance and the 2023 auditingplan. It will also give opinions on the draft agenda of the NA’s fourthsession.
Other issues under considerationinclude the implementation of the NA Standing Committee’s resolutions on there-organisation of district- and communal-level administrative units during2019 - 2021; the enforcement of legal regulations on citizen reception,complaint and denunciation settlement between 2016 and 2021; the national targetprogrammes on new-style rural area building and sustainable poverty reduction for2021 - 2025; and the implementation of the Standing Committee’s resolutions onsupport for pandemic-hit workers.
The 15th meeting is scheduledto last until September 15./.