NA Vice Chairman presents Tet gifts to policy beneficiaries in An Giang

Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Tran Thanh Man presented gifts to policy beneficiary families in Long Xuyen city ahead of the upcoming Lunar New Year (Tet) Festival as part of his working trip to An Giang province.
NA Vice Chairman presents Tet gifts to policy beneficiaries in An Giang ảnh 1An overview of the meeting (Photo:
An Giang (VNA) – Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Tran Thanh Man presented gifts to policy beneficiary families in Long Xuyen city ahead of the upcoming Lunar New Year (Tet) Festival as part of his working trip to An Giang province.

At the meeting with the gift recipients, Man said that the Party and State and people always remember the great contributions of people who rendered services to the nation during the cause of national defence and construction.

He asked the Party Committees, administrations, provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees at all levels and organisations of An Giang to focus on ensuring a safe and warm Tet festival for local residents amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

An Giang should continue mobilising resources to care for locals during the Tet Festival, while better implementing social welfare policies and poverty reduction, especially in mountainous and ethnic minority-inhabited areas, he said.

Man also requested local authorities to give stronger support to policy beneficiary families and relatives of wounded veterans and martyrs as well as Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, and poor and COVID-19-hit households.

On behalf of Party, State and NA leaders, Man wished the Party Organisation, administration and people of An Giang a happy Tet Festival and a successful new year.

On the occasion, he also handed over 1 billion VND from the National COVID-19 Vaccine Fund to An Giang for pandemic prevention and control activities.

The same day, Man visited the family of Nguyen Thanh Hoang, a policy beneficiary in Long Xuyen city./.

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