Hanoi (VNA) – Nepalese Prime Minister K P Sharma Olion May 13 wrapped up an official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of hiscounterpart Nguyen Xuan Phuc.
During the trip from May 9, PM Sharma Oli laid awreath at the monument to martyrs and paid homage to President Ho Chi Minh atthe late Vietnamese leader’s mausoleum in Hanoi.
He had talks with PM Phuc and met with NationalAssembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan. He also attended and delivered aspeech at the UN Day of Vesak 2019 celebration, visited the Ho Chi MinhNational Academy of Politics, took part in the Vietnam-Nepal business forum andwitnessed the signing of important documents between the two countries.
On this occasion, the two sides issued a jointstatement to intensify their traditional friendship.
They agreed to increase delegation exchanges atall levels and via all channels, including between parties, governments,legislatures, localities and peoples. They welcomed the signing of an agreementon visa exemption for diplomatic and official passport holders, a memorandum ofunderstanding on establishing a bilateral consultation mechanism between thetwo foreign ministries and a letter of intent on the negotiation on a frameworkagreement on trade and investment cooperation.
The Vietnamese and Nepalese leaders saidbilateral economic-trade ties remain modest compared to potential. They askedthe countries’ ministries and agencies to consider setting up economic andtrade cooperation mechanisms and encourage businesses to survey each other’smarkets and take part in business-to-business events.
The two countries agreed to consider proposalson the opening of markets for strong agricultural products of each other, whileincreasing information sharing and partnership in agricultural science andtechnique research. They also agreed to share law enforcement experience,exchange crime-related information and consider negotiating agreements on criminaljustice.
At the meetings, Vietnam and Nepal decided toboost cultural and tourism collaboration and people-to-people exchange and stepup ties in other potential areas, including science and technology, informationand communications, logistics and natural disaster response.
They also shared many viewpoints on regional andinternational issues of common concern, affirming the importance of fullrespect for the United Nations Charter, as well as principles and standards ofinternational law. They also expressed resolve to maintain multilateralism andseek solutions to common issues, while stressing the need for cooperation for afair, equal and inclusive world order based on rules and democracy.-VNA