The policy,launched in Washington DC on July 8, puts forth a vision of conservingbiodiversity globally for sustainable long-term development.
USAID Vietnam Mission Director Joakim Parker said that in an effort toconserve significant biodiversity over the world under the newdirection, the agency recognises the essential role that healthyecosystems play in boosting resilient societies.
“Weare also committed to a more specific focus on integrating biodiversityconservation with our other development work in Vietnam, such aseconomic growth and health,” said Parker.
Over thepast 50 years, the world has seen more progress toward economicprosperity and human development than during any other time, but at thesame time, humans have changed the environment at an alarming rate, withsometimes serious consequences for biodiversity and the ecosystemservices that sustain their life.
Vietnam is rankedas the 16th most biodiversity rich country in the world and also a majorhub for wildlife trafficking, supplying domestic and internationalmarkets with a variety of live animals, animal parts and medicinalplants.
The US Mission to Vietnam is working closelywith governmental and civil society partners to preserve biodiversityconservation and stop the illegal wildlife trade, which is a globalchallenge.
The USAID plans to increase its wildlife trafficking assistance to Vietnam under the new policy.-VNA