Party chief’s visits create new push for ties with Russia, Hungary

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s official visits to Russia and Hungary from September 5 to 11 were very successful, creating conditions for developing Vietnam’s relations with the two countries in a comprehensive, substantive and more profound manner.
Party chief’s visits create new push for ties with Russia, Hungary ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s official visits to Russia and Hungary from September 5 to 11 were very successful, creating conditions for developing Vietnam’s relations with the two countries in a comprehensive, substantive and more profound manner.

This is the assessment of Hoang Binh Quan, Chairman of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, during an interview with the press to review the major outcomes of the trips, made at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

He said the official visits created new momentum for Vietnam’s partnerships with the countries, noting that it was the first trip by the top Vietnamese leader to Russia since Russian President Putin were re-elected last March. It affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of considering Russia as a partner of leading importance.

Meanwhile, the visit to Hungary was the first by a Vietnamese Party General Secretary to a Central Eastern European nation in nearly three decades, affirming Hungary’s role as a leading partner of Vietnam in this region. During this trip, the two sides lifted their relations to a comprehensive partnership, thus creating a new milestone and driving force for bilateral connections.

Noting the tours’ outstanding outcomes, Quan said the visits created new driving forces for Vietnam’s relations with Russia and Hungary to enter a new development stage and enhance political trust, thereby forming a solid foundation for reinforcing cooperation in all aspects.

Party chief’s visits create new push for ties with Russia, Hungary ảnh 2Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (L) and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: VNA)

He added the Party General Secretary and leaders of Russia and Hungary had open and substantive discussions to share their stance and promote the important common perceptions on the need to boost consultation and coordination at multilateral forums.

These visits also helped cement the traditional and faithful solidarity and cohesion between the Vietnamese people and their Russian and Hungarian peers, the official noted.

Regarding the prospects for Vietnam’s relations with the two countries, he said the trips’ outcomes showed that both Russia and Hungary respect Vietnam’s role in the region and want to bring comprehensive cooperation with the Southeast Asian nation to a new height.

The Vietnamese Party chief and Russian and Hungarian leaders made substantive assessment of bilateral ties and specified strategic directions and concrete measures for tightening their links, Quan said.

With the time-tested friendship, strong political connections, the leaders’ determination and the trips’ fine outcomes, Vietnam believes that its relations with Russia and Hungary will reach a new level, he noted.

The Chairman of the Party commission added both Russian President Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Orban accepted the invitation to visit Vietnam in the near future, which also reflects their respect for relations with Vietnam. Their visits will provide more driving force for Vietnam’s ties with the two nations. –VNA

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