The PM assigned the ministry toseek measures to effectively monitor the implementation of the regulations andstrictly handle violations.
Meanwhile,the PM also requested the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, Industry andTrade, and Natural Resources and Environment to assess the effectiveness of thenational action plan on preventing antibiotic resistance for the 2013-2020period, and apply measures to enhance its efficacy.
TheMinistry of Health is tasked to inspect pharmacies’ observation of regulationson selling prescription medicines and take measures to manage the enforcement ofthe rules, firstly focusing on antibiotics.
Atthe same time, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is requestedto strengthen the management of the production, import, trading and use ofantibiotic in animal husbandry and aquaculture, while designing guidances onthe use of animal feed containing antibiotic.
ThePM asked the two ministries to coordinate in managing the import of antibioticmaterials used in the production and use of veterinary medicine.
Antimicrobialresistance is a risk to Vietnam’speople and economy following the increase in antibiotic use and lax managementof antibiotic use in healthcare and animal husbandry.
Accordingto WHO, antimicrobial resistance results in some 700,000 global deaths peryear. By 2050, the number of deaths attributed to AMR is estimated to be 10million per year, more than the estimate for cancer and 10 times more than theestimate for diabetes.-VNA