PM Phuc made therequest while addressing a ceremony held in Hanoi on July 18 to mark the 55th traditional day of the People’s Police Force (July 20).
The government leadercongratulated the police force on their outstanding achievements in combatingcrimes and maintaining social order and safety over the past time, helping createa stable and convenient environment for national development and improveVietnam’s role and position in the international arena.
However, he alsopointed out shortcomings and weaknesses as well as difficulties and challengesfacing the force such as the weak determination of a number of officers andsoldiers and the lack of ineffective measures against crimes.
In the context ofrapid, complex and unexpected changes in the regional and global situation,non-traditional security threats, global issues and increasing prevalence ofcross-border, high-tech and cyber crimes, the police force should uphold itsrole as an advisor for the Party, Government, Central Public SecurityCommission and Ministry of Public Security in putting forth sound policies andguidelines in national construction and defence, PM Phuc said.
The PM requested thepolice force to show their firm political will, absolute loyalty to the Party,Fatherland and people, and resolve in preventing and crushing all plots andacts of hostile forces and criminals to protect the country’s politicalsecurity.
At the same time, thepolice force must perform well its key role in keeping social order and safety,and combating crimes, particularly organised, transnational, foreign-related, high-tech,smuggling, drug and economic crimes, the leader noted.
Other tasks of thepolice force include tightening the management of explosives, fire fighting,search and rescue operations, he said.
Since its inception 55years ago, the police force has regularly launched crack-down campaigns againstcrimes, busted various dangerous crime gangs involving in drug trafficking,corruption and smuggling which have caused huge economic losses for the State.
Internationally, theVietnamese police force became an official member of the International CriminalPolice Organisation (INTERPOL) in 1991 and joined the ASEAN National Police(ASEANAPOL) in 1995. The force have also expanded cooperation with countries inthe region and the world at large in fighting crimes.-VNA