Hanoi (VNA) – Kamal Malhotra, UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam, on November 17 said the UN will continue to support Vietnam in responding challenges caused by climate change.
Speakingat the Vietnam-UN meeting on accelerating inclusive recovery and strengtheningresilience to climate-related risk and disasters in Vietnam, Malhotra pledged further assistance to Vietnam in improving itsinstitutional capacity, and building strategies and plans on socio-economicdevelopment and post-pandemic recovery in health care and education.
The UNwill also help the country consolidate dykes and its Red and Mekong Deltaregions cope with climate change-related challenges, while pushing ahead withthe implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, hesaid.
DeputyMinister of Foreign Affairs Le Hoai Trung pointed out challenges anddifficulties in natural disaster prevention and control in Vietnam, sayingnatural disasters would adversely affect the realisation of the millennium developmentgoals in the country.
Heappreciated UN organisations for their valuable support to the Vietnamesegovernment since Vietnam joined the UN in 1977, as well as during the country’ssocio-economic development, especially the recent floods.
Representativesof ministries and agencies proposed a number of orientations and solutions forboth middle-and long-terms to help Vietnam recover swiftly and raise its resilienceto natural disasters.
They suggestedupgrading the database on natural disasters and relevant equipment, improvingthe capacity of the personnel working in the field, raising public awareness ofnatural disaster prevention and control, and expanding production models adaptableto climate change.
On thisoccasion, Trung called on the UN and development partners to tighten coordinationwith the Vietnamese government in this regard, saying the foreign ministry standsready to accompany them in these efforts./.