The Cambodian provincehas been put under a lockdown since April 23 in an attempt to contain thespread of COVID-19 in the community.
President of theKhmer-Vietnam association in Preah Sihanouk Tran Van Nam earlier informed theVietnamese Consulate General in the Cambodian province that manyVietnamese-Cambodians in Tumnup Rolok are facing food shortage. The residentialarea has been under quarantine for nearly one month since late March.
Preah Sihanoukauthorities and its Red Cross Society will soon distribute food free of chargeto all residents in lockdown areas, Vietnamese General Consul Vu Ngoc Ly said.
There are no reportson Vietnamese-Cambodians contracted with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in PreahSihanouk, according to the Consulate General./.