Preserving the beauty of Spring festivals

Ninh Binh is not only known as a locality blessed with beautiful landscapes but is also remembered for its many folk festivals imbued with the national identity. The province has recently introduced a number of measures to preserve and promote the sound traditional values of Spring festivals.

The Bai Dinh Pagoda Festival in Gia Sinh commune, Gia Vien district, takes place in early Spring every year, from the 6th day of the first lunar month to the end of the third lunar month. With various activities taking place, the festival brings a joyful atmosphere to participants, including local residents and tourists.

Local authorities have sharpened their focus in recent years on the management and organisation of festivals. Activities within festivals are held in a civilised, economical, and safe manner.

Through festivals, people’s respect and gratitude towards the ancestors is reinforced, their love for the homeland is cultivated further, while their cultural and spiritual needs are fully met.

There are more than 240 festivals of different types held in Ninh Binh each year, including two that are recognised as possessing national intangible cultural heritage. The province is working hard to preserve the beauty of its festivals, and to contribute to growing its tourism sector./.