Inorder to achieve that, the PM highlighted the need to improve developmentquality among ASEAN member states, enhance the sharing of information andexperience, and increase mutual understanding.
Heexpressed his belief that the ASEAN Secretary General plays an important rolein strengthening connectivity.
Thegovernment leader informed his guest that Vietnam is considering the mostpragmatic theme for ASEAN Year 2020. Noting that the United Nations isunderlined the issue of climate change, he said ASEAN should make climatechange one of the priorities in its agenda.
Vietnamalways considers ASEAN one of the important pillars in its foreign policy andis actively preparing for its role as ASEAN Chair in 2020, he said, adding thatthe country is gearing towards such priorities as fostering regional solidarityand connectivity, improving ASEAN’s adaptation capacity and reforming andenhancing the bloc’s operation efficiency, which are consistent with ASEAN’scornerstone goals.
ThePM wished that the ASEAN Secretary General and Secretariat will continuehelping Vietnam fulfill its role as ASEAN Chair 2020.
Hecalled on the ASEAN Secretary General to get a thorough understanding of theEast Sea situation at present and raise his voice in support of maintaining peace,stability, prosperity, and ensuring maritime and aviation freedom in the EastSea in line with international law.
LimJock Hoi, for his part, said he strongly believes that Vietnam willsuccessfully play its role as ASEAN Chair next year.
Hesaid ASEAN is determined to complete the Regional Comprehensive EconomicPartnership (RCEP) by the end of this year towards official signing next year.
Onclimate change issue, he said ASEAN needs to work closely together to work outproper solutions.
TheSecretary General pledged to do his best to foster regional solidarity and dealwith emerging complicated and sensitive issues.-VNA