Remarks by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at 26th International Conference on the Future of Asia

The following is the full text of remarks by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the 26th International Conference on the Future of Asia.
Remarks by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at 26th International Conference on the Future of Asia ảnh 1PM Pham Minh Chinh delivers remarks at the 26th International Conference on the Future of Asia (photo: VNA)
Hanoi, (VNA) – The followingis the full text of remarks by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the 26th International Conference on the Future of Asia.

"Join hands tobuild Asia in the post-Covid 19 era
Mr. President,
Distinguished leaders,
Ladies and gentlemen,
          Itis my great pleasure today to attend and address the 26th International Conference on the Future of Asia. At the outset, I would like tothank the Government of Japan and Nikkei Inc. for inviting me to this verysignificant Conference. Let me take this opportunity, on behalf of the Governmentof Viet Nam and from my own heart, to extend my warm greetings and best wishesto all distinguished leaders and participants.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I commend Nikkeifor choosing a highly relevant and suitable theme, namely: “Shaping thepost-COVID era: Asia’s role in the global recovery”. This affirms therole and standing of Asia in the fight against COVID-19, and in the post-COVIDeconomic recovery and development. Our Conference today takes place at a timewhen the COVID-19 pandemic is occuring in an extremely complex mannerregionally and globally. The pandemic is also seriously affecting thesocio-economic development and the people’s life in all countries. Impacts ofthe pandemic have increasingly unveiled the challenges facing Asia such as thedevelopment gap in institutions, infrastructure and technology, traditional andnon-traditional security issues, including natural disasters, environmentalpollution and climate change, among others. Moreover, the pandemic has deeplyaltered the economic structure and order, method of global governance, economicoperation and organisation of social life around the world.
Ladies and gentlemen,
          Asiahas always played a critical role in the world economy and politics, and has animmense and multi-faceted influence on the shaping of the new era. Over thelast decades, Asia has stood the test of numerous crises and recessions, andrisen to become an essential engine for the global economy. The initial successof Asian countries in the prevention of and fight against the pandemic,together with the economic recovery recently, has proved the dynamics andvitality of a rising region. This helps position Asia’s standing in a changingworld.
The COVID-19pandemic, however, is viewed as “the most dreadful disaster facing thehumanities since the World War II. The pandemic has been and will enormouslyimpact the regional and global landscape, and the social and economic life ofall countries. More than ever before, it is now time for all nations to setaside differences and disagreements for unity, unanimity, mutual support andmutual assistance. Together, we will defeat the pandemic.
The worsepredicament will require us to be more united for greater cooperation totriumph over adversities and hardships. Extraordinary circumstances call forstrong, resolute and special actions and measures. We need a new cooperationframework that creates necessary breakthroughs to both help our economiesweather the pandemic and lay the groundwork for sustainable development andinclusive growth in the future. Together, we can join hands to build an Asiaof peace, cooperation and stronger development in the post-COVID 19 era.
It is essentialto vigorously foster internal strength, intensify adaptation capacity,self-reliance and resilience, enhance international cooperation, place peopleat the centre of all policies, consider cultural and historical traditions asthe bedrock, and regard adversities and challenges as the motivation. We needto focus on six areas of cooperation as follows:
          First,the development of high-quality and strategic infrastructure is both aneffective measure to stimulate economic growth in the short term, and astrategic breakthrough in the long term. Given the current pace ofdevelopment, Asia needs a solid infrastructure system to support economicgrowth and ensure smooth connectivity from North to South, from East to West.
According to theAsia Development Bank, by 2030 developing countries in Asia will need to investat least $1.7 trillion each year into infrastructure. Therefore, we welcome theinitiatives for high-quality and strategic infrastructure proposed by theJapanese Government and other partners. We also need a more innovative approachto financing, engaging the private sector, encouraging public-privatepartnership (PPP), and improving public investment to lead and absorb privateinvestment.
          Second,we need to advance equal and effective economic cooperation, integration andconnectivity bilaterally and multilaterally to ensure the flows of trade andinvestment and sustain the global supply chain.
The post-COVID recovery of Asia will belargely dependent on its ability to maintain intra-and inter-regional trade andinvestment. These efforts must be deployed at all global, regional,inter-regional and national levels, particularly in domestic reform of everynation. The open and rules-based economic connectivity frameworks, such asCPTPP and RCEP, will help to accelerate the regional economic recovery anddevelopment process. Meanwhile, the participating countries need to havefurther discussions to seek methods for running the regional economies in anappropriate manner so as to support the fight against the pandemic and the goalof economic growth. It is critical to ensure movement of goods and people, andguarantee smooth operations of supply and production chains, and business aswell.
          Third,the strengthening of cooperation in science and technology, and digitaltechnology provides fresh impetus for Asia to forge ahead in the post-COVIDera. To maximize gains and minimize risks from the booming digitaleconomy, we need to bolster cooperation in the following areas: (i) Enhancingdigital infrastructure and connectivity effectively, especially in developingcountries, (ii) Building e-government and moving towards digital government,digital economy and digital society; (iii) Improving the people’s digitalknowledge and skills, and upskilling our workforce; (iv) Working together toestablish frameworks for cybersecurity, data security, management of tax andlogistic system for e-commerce. 
          Fourth,green growth must be advanced from the very beginning of post-COVID recovery. Thiswill help shape the development of the entire economy with greatersustainability, ensure greater ecological balance, and address environmentaland climate challenges.
We need to stepup information sharing and technology transfer in building a net-zero emissiongrowth model and a circular economy, and sustainable management of naturalresources. Such cooperation also includes the implementation of the ParisAgreement on climate change, the fulfillment of the 2030 UN SustainableDevelopment Goals, and the attainment of a global agreement on combating marineplastic debris.
Fifth, we needto strengthen cooperation to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, improve publichealth capacity and social welfare, and stand ready to respond to future healthchallenges. Viet Nam is ready to share its experience in the preventionof and fight against COVID-19. Viet Nam also looks forward to continuereceiving the support and assistance from all countries in this endeavor,especially in terms of research and production, and equal access to vaccinesagainst COVID-19.
In the presentemergency, the production and distribution of vaccines are no longer thebusiness of any single country or corporation, but are instead humanitarianissues with public health being the highest objective. No country can remainsafe while other countries are still affected by the ongoing pandemic.Accordingly, the top priority now is to secure the supply of vaccines andensure fair and timely access to it, while also reducing intellectual propertyrights barriers and accelerating the transfer of technologies for vaccineproduction in an open, practical and effective way.
Furthermore, wecan take into consideration the establishment of regional cooperation or makefull use of existing mechanisms to respond to COVID-19 and other contagiousdiseases in the future. We can work together on the establishment of the ASEANCentre for Public Health Emergencies and Emerging Diseases.
          Sixth,securing a peaceful and stable international environment is the prerequisitefor economic and social development. As the region and the world aremobilising major resources to handle the urgent and unprecedented matters, itis imperative for all countries to make contributions to the concerted effortsin a responsible manner. It is also crucial to uphold the principles of mutualrespect, equal cooperation for mutual benefits. Regarding the South China Sea,we must address disputes and differences by peaceful solutions, fully observethe laws, especially the UN Charter and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law ofthe Sea. We need to bring into full play the multilateral cooperationmechanisms, implement fully and effectively the DOC and work closely in theeffective negotiations for the COC to be soon concluded. We also need tomaintain peace, cooperation and development in the region, freedom ofnavigation and overflights in the South China Sea.          
          VietNam is a responsible member, and stands ready to join other countries innurturing peace, stability, development and unity for the shared interests andprosperity of each nation, the region and the world at large, and for allpeople’s well-being and happiness around the world.
          TheVietnamese people have a saying: “fire is the test of gold; adversity, of  strong men” while the Japanese have an adage:“Beautiful is the plum flower that endures the snow” (Yuuki ni Taete BaikaUruwashi).
We are deeplyconvinced that we will unite together and join hands to build Asia in thepost-COVID era. This faith comes from the Asian values and characteristics.Those are the values of community, vision, perseverance, courage, discipline,adaptability and aspiration to rise. 
Ladies and gentlemen,
          Talking aboutthe future of Asia, it would be amiss not to mention Japan’s role as one of themost advanced economies in the world, having made vital contributions to thedevelopment of our continent. Asian countries and Japan together overcame the2008 financial crisis and became an engine for global economic growth. Andtoday we are once again standing side by side in the fight against COVID-19.Endeavors and projects that enjoy effective assistance from Japan are presenteverywhere in Asia, ranging from transport infrastructure, energy andagriculture to healthcare, technology, telecommunication, culture, educationand public health.
          TheExtensive Strategic Partnership between Viet Nam and Japan continues toflourish and bring about real benefits in many areas. The two countries enjoystrong political trust. Viet Nam deeply appreciates the invaluable assistancethat the Government and people of Japan have given to us in our socio-economicdevelopment over the past four decades. Viet Nam welcomes Japan’s efforts forregional connectivity, economic integration, and sustainable development. Ihope that Japan will continue to play an important role in reinforcing peace,stability, cooperation and development in the region. Let me take thisopportunity to wish, and express our trust that, the Government and people ofJapan, under the able leadership of Prime Minister Suga, will achieve newoutstanding heights in your national development process. May your hosting ofthe 2021 Olympic and Paralympic Games be a great success, a symbol of globalunity in the fight against COVID-19 as a testimony to the statement by PrimeMinister Suga. 
Ladies and gentlemen,
Alongside theinternational community, over the past year, Viet Nam has made every effort tocombat the COVID-19 pandemic. On this note, let me express the most sincerethanks and appreciation with profound emotion to the regional countries,particularly Japan for having actively assisted Viet Nam in responding toCOVID-19 and addressing the aftermaths of floods and droughts. Thanks to thestrong determination of the Government and the whole-hearted support of thepeople, Viet Nam has focused on the “dual goal” of fighting the pandemiceffectively and reviving socio-economic development.
According to anumber of international institutions, Viet Nam is among the economies bestpositioned for post-COVID recovery. This achievement is largely owed to thepolitical and social stability, the power of national unity, the Government’sresolute, timely and effective measures, and the solid macroeconomicfoundation.
We willtirelessly continue to build upon the results achieved and overcome anychallenges to advance our country, on the basis of the following three mainpillars: the wellspring of cultural and historical traditions of our nation,the virtue of the Vietnamese people, and our natural resources.
          Ourdevelopment philosophy includes the followings : First, developrapidly and sustainably on the basis of science, technology, innovation,digital transformation. Ensure harmony among economic growth, social andcultural development and environmental protection, and enhance climate changeadaptation. The major directions for development include reform of growthmodel, economic restructuring, green growth, market’s demand, emergingindustries and increase of productivity.
          Second, complete a full-fledged, synchronized, modern and integrated institutionalframework for development is the prerequisite for a favorable, healthy and fairenvironment for all economic sectors.
Third, inspire theaspirations for the development of a nation of prosperity, happiness and strongresilience and bring into full play the national unity. Unleash the strength ofhuman factor and consider human as the center, the subject, the most importantasset and driver for, and the goal of development. We shall not sacrificesocial progress and justice in exchange for pure economic pursuit.
Fourth, develop aself-reliant economy on the foundation of mastering technology, activeintegration and greater adaptability. Harnessing internal strength is decisivealong side external resources and the power of our times.
Fifth, implement a foreign policy ofindependence, self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification. Toactively engage in comprehensive, intensive and effective internationalintegration as a responsible member of the international community.
Ladies and gentlemen,
          VietNam's dynamic and potential market of one hundred million people enjoys allnecessary factors, from institutions, policies and infrastructure togeographical location, political and social stability, investment climate andworkforce. These conditions will enable stronger growth for Viet Nam in the newera.
In the next tenyears, Viet Nam will focus on three strategic breakthroughs: to complete the institutions, upskill the workforce and develop a synchronizedinfrastructure system. Viet Nam will give top priorities to projects in thefields of digital, green and circular economy, and climate change adaptation.
          Therobust growth of Viet Nam’s economy opens up numerous investment and businessopportunities for regional and international businesses. Viet Nam stands readyto help you explore new opportunities for cooperation and investment instrategic infrastructure, energy, manufacturing and supporting industries,environmental industries, high-quality agribusiness, electronics, ICT,biotechnology, smart cities and logistics.
          The Government of Viet Nam will continueto improve the business environment, create the best conditions for and standside by side with foreign investors. Together, we shall all win, and togetherwe shall shoulder any risk caused by external shocks.
Ladies and gentlemen,
          A rising Asia for peace, stability,prosperity and development is the shared aspiration of all regional countries.The unity among nations, the determination of Governments, the joint effortsand engagement of the business communities and the public are the key to builda brighter future for Asia.
Given our unity,self-reliance, resilience, tireless innovation and the will to rise by thelabor of our own hands and minds, and make the best use of our lands, skies,and waters, we are entirely able to “make something out of nothing, makeeasy out of the difficult, and make the possible out of the impossible.” Asiatoday has in its hands the opportunities and power to shape its own role andstanding in the new era, and we can say:
          The future is Asia, and Asia will move together towards the future.
          Thankyou for your kind attention. May our Conference be a great success./.


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