HCM City (VNA) - The Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA) has confirmed its support for a feasibility study of the second phaseof HCM City’s Metro Line No 5.
According to the city’s Management Authority for Urban Railways (MAUR), theassistance will go to the building of a strategy for transit-orienteddevelopment (TOD), a type of urban development that maximises the amount ofresidential, business, and leisure space within walking distance of publictransport. KOICA will also help with raising human capacity via workshops andtraining in the Republic of Korea.
MAUR plans to meet KOICA to discuss procedures to receive non-refundableofficial development assistance and to clarify the technical support to comefor TOD research.
The 23.39-km metro line will run along Hoang Van Thu, Phan Dang Luu, BachDang, and Dien Bien Phu streets and be connected to future metro lines such asMetro Line No 1 at Sai Gon Bridge and Metro Line No 4 at the Phu Nhuanintersection in the district of the same name.
The first phase of Metro Line No 5, linking the Bay Hien intersection andSai Gon Bridge, will be about 8.89 km in length and cost over 1.5 billion EUR,sponsored by the Spanish Government, the Asian Development Bank, the Germandevelopment bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, and the European InvestmentBank.
The second phase, which connects the Bay Hien intersection with the newCan Giuoc Bus Station and the Da Phuoc Depot, will be some 1.43 km in lengthand cost an estimated 2.18 billion EUR or more.
HCM City plans to build eight metro lines with a total investment ofnearly 25 billion USD./.