On July 14,VietnamWorks.com released a report with the demand index up by 28percent over the first quarter and the supply index, up by 27 percent.
Thereport also said that the demand index has seen a year-on-year increaseof 40 percent.
The General Director of VietnamWorks.com, ChrisHarvey, said that the 40 percent growth rate means the economy isdeveloping faster and enterprises are more self-confident aboutrecruiting workers to expand their business.
In the secondquarter of the year, civil construction, accountancy/auditing, banking,electrical/electronics and engineering had the highest demands forpersonnel. This was the first time, engineering has made it into the topfive leading sectors, replacing aviation/tourism/hotels.
In thereviewed period, Hanoi continued to have the heaviest demands, 10percent higher than that of Ho Chi Minh City./.