Bangkok (VNA) – Thailand’s Deputy Prime Ministerand Minister of Foreign Affairs Don Pramudwinai called for building an inclusive,resilient, sustainable and innovative future for Asia-Pacific while attending the31st APEC Ministerial Meeting (AMM) held recently via video conference byMalaysia.
To this end, Don emphasised the need to support MSMEs, women andyouth; re-skill and upskill for New Normal and Digital Economy; promoteresponsible business conduct and partnership for sustainability; and highlight thecooperation on COVID-19 vaccines and medicines, the Thai Ministry of ForeignAffairs said in a statement on November 18.
At the meeting, which was organised to prepare for the 27th APECEconomic Leaders’ Meeting (AELM) on November 20, Thailand addressed four mainissues as follows: (1) the future of Asia-Pacific that embraces innovations,resilience and ability to adapt quickly to changes (2) the support for arules-based multilateral trading system and the effectiveness of the WorldTrade Organisation (WTO) (3) creating a future that is inclusive, resilient,sustainable and ready for the digital age, while giving special attention toMSMEs, service workers, women and youth through financial inclusion and skillsand capacity development to ensure a smooth transition to the new normal thatis geared towards digitalised business environment, bio-, circular and greeneconomy (BCG Model), underscored by responsible business conduct and (4)mobility of people and essential goods during the COVID-19 pandemic, whilecalling for APEC to cooperate on ensuring the availability of COVID-19 vaccinesand medicines that is timely, accessible and affordable.
The APEC ministers also endorsed the 31st APEC Joint MinisterialStatement that underlined the importance of trade and investment, economicrecovery and regional cooperation in the post-COVID-19 era, transition todigital economy, structural reforms and cooperation towards inclusive andsustainable growth./.