It is also necessary to equip theadolescents with gender knowledge and social skills at school as well asenable them to use optimal reproductive health services.
Representatives from the National Assembly’s Committee for Culture,Education, Youth and Children made the suggestion at a conference inHanoi on August 27.
They reported that around one third ofthe youngsters lack access to sexual consultancy and health careservices due to their poor awareness of the issue and the shortage ofmedical facilities.
More seriously is the increasing number of sexual abuses among children, with over 1,000 cases reported each year.
Participants recommended building a national strategy on the realmand encouraging public-private societies to make advice and servicesavailable to the youths such as contraceptive and anti-HIV/AIDS methods.
According to the General Office for Population and FamilyPlanning, teenage abortions now make up more than 20 percent of thetotal number of abortions in Vietnam .
Asurvey conducted by the Centre for Creative Initiatives in Health andPopulation (CCIHP) at two junior high schools in Hanoi early this yearshowed that 60 percent of nearly 250 interviewed students said theirparents did not make any discussions of gender and reproductive healthmatters with them within the past year, while 14 percent said theirparents have never even mentioned the issues.-VNA