Kuala Lumpur (VNA) - The Shah Alam High Court ofSelangor State of Malaysia continued on April 2, 3 and 5 the trial of Doan ThiHuong, one of the two suspects in the death of a Democratic People’s Republicof Korea (DPRK) citizen in early 2017.
The Vietnamese Embassy in Malaysia said thecourt listened to arguments between lawyers defending Doan Thi Huong andprosecution and investigation agencies and chemistry experts.
The hearing focused on some issues relating toHuong’s passport in her trip to the Republic of Korea, regulations on thecollection, analysis and storage of the case’ chemicals, and prosecutors’approval of the list of 34 prosecution witnesses among the 129 existingwitnesses.
Representatives of the embassy and Malaysianlawyers attended the hearing to protect rights and legitimate interests ofHuong.
The next hearing is scheduled to take place fromJune 27 to 29.
The embassy noted it will keep closecoordination with lawyers and relevant agencies to protect Huong’s rights andlegitimate interests.
Huong and the other suspect, Siti Aisyah – anIndonesian citizen, were arrested one day after the murder of DPRK national KimChol on February 13, 2017. So far, both of them have continued affirming thatthey are innocent as they thought they were joining a harmless prank for areality TV show.-VNA