The workshop was an opportunity for experts and scientiststo discuss low and responsible carbon consumption via innovations in materialsand implementation processes, contributing to Vietnam’s constructionindustry’s net-zero target roadmap.
At the event, Nguyen Truong Chinh, a representative of LIXILVietnam, said as one of the industries that emit a huge amount of CO2 and havea great impact on human life as well as the natural environment, architecture -construction is making efforts for sustainable development, by reducing theamount of carbon used.
LIXIL Vietnam, a subsidiary of the Tokyo-based LIXILCorporation, manufactures and sells outstanding Japan-quality productssuch as aluminum window sashes, doors, exterior products and plasticaccessories.
Throughout the workshop, the speakers actively shared a lotof information about emission-balanced urban planning and development ingeneral and key elements of an energy-balance building.
In addition, participating experts discussed some key factorsof future architecture such as smart features, sustainability and adaptation tonature.
They also proposed some solutions to reduce carbon emissionsto the net-zero level, operate a circular economy, design less carbon-emittingmaterials, among other matters./.