Also under discussion was how to enhance Asian countries’ capacity in responding to climate change.
Vietnam’s research projects in the field presented at the event attracted interest from international delegates.
The river basin management talk was initiated by Yamanashi Universityof Japan and a network of International Research Centres for RiverBasin Environment (ICRE-Net) was established to undertake furtherresearch in this area.
Many universities in Hanoiand Ho Chi Minh City along with Vietnam’s research institutes onenvironment and weather also joined the network, which is sharing thelatest findings made by its members to interested countries.
At the workshop, which saw the participation of over 45 scientists,attendees discussed ways to set up greater cooperation between them inthe future.
Vietnamese scientists introduced theirachievements in fighting against floods and protecting the environment.They also expressed their hope to partner with teams from othercountries towards better coping with climate change in Vietnam.
Participants said that the management of river basin is an urgentissue in many countries as scarce water resources and low quality ofwater have the potential to be disastrous.
Theworkshop heard 19 projects, five of which were from Vietnam, focusing onthe fields of climate and water environment, treatment of pollutedwater and health care.-VNA