Vietnam appreciates Chinese former experts’ help: PM

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met on September 13 with families of former Chinese experts who lent Vietnam a hand during the resistance wars in the past.
Vietnam appreciates Chinese former experts’ help: PM ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (front, frouth from left) and former Chinese experts pose for photo (Photo: VNA) 

Beijing (VNA) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met on September 13 with families of former Chinese experts who lent Vietnam a hand during the resistance wars in the past.

The PM, who is on an official visit to China, said he is touched by meeting the former experts and their relatives who have greatly contributed to the two countries’ friendship, solidarity and cooperation.

He described the ex-specialists and their relatives’ contribution and sentiment to his country as a vivid demonstration of the time-honoured and strong friendship between Vietnam and China.

The Party and State of Vietnam always keep in mind their devotion to the nations’ amity and solidarity, he said, voicing his hope that their sincere sentiment will be upheld and developed by younger generations, thereby intensifying bilateral relations.

On behalf of the Chinese side, ex-specialist Zhang Dewei, who used to be a Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam, recalled the time he and his Vietnamese comrades weathered difficulties during the resistance wars against invaders. He said he considers Vietnam as his second homeland.

Talking about the life and career of Vietnam’s late President Ho Chi Minh, he noted that the Vietnam-China friendship has been nurtured by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong and following leaders of the countries. It is a precious asset shared by the two Parties, States and peoples, and it needs to be treasured and promoted by future generations.

At the meeting, representatives of former experts’ families also recollected the two peoples’ close connections throughout history and promised they will continue educating their descendants about the priceless amity between the Chinese and Vietnamese Parties, States and peoples.-VNA


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