The three-day forum, which drew theparticipation of over 1,300 delegates from people’s organisations of 10ASEAN member nations and several regional organisations, continues topursue goals of speeding up inter-ASEAN integration and building anASEAN towards the people and the ASEAN Community in 2015.
The Vietnamese delegation’s message at APF-7 focused on preventingarms races and protecting peace and stability in the region, especiallyin the East Sea; worries about projects to build hydropower dams on theMekong River; and the struggle for justice for millions of Vietnamese AOvictims.
In an interview with the Jakarta-basedVietnam News Agency correspondent, Loi stressed the significance andobjectives of APF-7, saying that it aimed to strengthen mutualunderstanding and share experiences among people in ASEAN membercountries.
APF-7 offered an opportunity for peopleto express their aspirations to government leaders, he said, adding thatthe results of the forum would be included in a joint statement to besubmitted to the upcoming 18 th ASEAN Summit.
Loipointed out that the region’s rapid economic development was accompaniedby climate change and environmental devastation and expressed concernover the building of hydropower dams on the Mekong River as it may causeunpredictable impacts on biodiversity and the lives of millions ofpeople residing in the lower reaches of the river.
“Vietnam calls for concerned countries’ close cooperation and goodwillto protect the Mekong River , for the interests of the people, foodsecurity and the environment in the river’s lower areas,” he said.
After the opening ceremony, the first plenary session, themed “Tendencies and Challenges in ASEAN” was held.
Representatives of ASEAN people’s organisations will meet with ASEANcountries’ leaders on May 7, one day after the opening of the ASEANSummit.
Since starting in Malaysia in 2005, APFhas become an annual activity that draws strong attention from people inASEAN countries./.