Vietnam attends Asia-Pacific news agencies’ general assembly

The 17th General Assembly of the Organisation of Asia-Pacific News Agency took place in Seoul from Nov. 6-9. Vietnam News Agency General Director Nguyen Duc Loi attended the event.

This year's event was themed “New challenges for Journalism: Technological Innovations and Issues of Trust.”

In his welcoming speech, Yonhap news agency’s President and CEO Cho Sung-boo emphasized challenges which have never happened, forcing news agencies to create new products in new forms.

At the event, Vietnam News Agency introduced its electronic news production system. The system plays as the main information channel to provide official information for Vietnamese and international press.

On Nov. 8, Yonhap news agency’s President and CEO Cho Sung-boo welcomed Vietnam News Agency General Director Nguyen Duc Loi.

Loi said Vietnam News Agency’s television channel and e-newspaper are using Yonhap news videos effectively.

Earlier on Nov. 7, President of the Republic of Korea (RoL) Moon Jae-in highlighted the good relations between the RoK and Vietnam in all fields while hosting delegates from the Organisation of Asia-Pacific News Agency in Seoul on November 7.

The delegates are leaders of news agencies in Asian-Pacific countries, including General Director of Vietnam News Agency Nguyen Duc Loi.

Speaking at the meeting, VNA General Director Loi said that there are sufficient grounds to affirm that the bilateral relations will continue developing in all aspects, especially when the RoK defines Vietnam as an important partner in the New Southern Policy.

He said as part of the sound relations between Vietnam and the RoK, the VNA and the RoK’s Yonhap news agency have been actively joining efforts to promote the two countries’ relations through diverse information products on their media channels./.