Ha saidVietnam always treasures and highly values the cooperation from SOS Children’sVillages International, which was one of the first international partners ofVietnam in the first years of the “Doi moi” (Renewal) period, when the war justended and many disadvantaged children needed care.
She expressed her belief thatthe two sides will continue bringing into play the cooperation outcomes overthe last more than 30 years and align their partnership with the currentcontext in Vietnam.
Appreciating the country’s coordinationin child care, Gidda applauded the long-standing cooperation between the two sides, with many programmesand projects implemented fruitfully and 17 SOS Children’s Villages establishednationwide so far.
He voiced his hope that childcare at the SOS Children’s Villages in Vietnam will continue receiving attention andfavourable conditions from the Government and the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs. He also affirmedthe importance of mobilising resources from domestic organisations andindividuals.
The two sides should discussto supplement the 1987 agreement and the 2009 memorandum of understanding, Gidda recommended,stressing priority should be given to upholding the solidarity in the global SOSChildren’s Villages system so as to deliver the best care and support forchildren.
In reply, Ha agreed in principleon the need to supplement the documents Gidda mentioned so as to ensuretheir harmony with Vietnam’s policies and laws, as well as regulations of SOS Children’s Villages International./.