Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam has joined the internationalcommunity in efforts over the years to protect the ozone layer andreduce the use of ozone depleting substances.
Vietnam’s consumption of Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) neared2,600 tonnes in 2020, a decline of 35 percent compared to that in the previousyear.
The Department of Climate Change at the Ministry of NaturalResources and Environment (MoNRE) is carrying out the HCFC’s Phase-outManagement Plan - Stage II (HPMP II) project sponsored by the World Bank forthe 2018-23, with an aim to cut down HCFC consumption at grassroots level by 35percent in accordance with the Montreal Protocol.
Of note, Vietnam put an end to the usage of somechemicals, including CFC, Halon and CTC, at the start of 2010.
In September 2019, the Government issued a resolution ratifying the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, under which the country would build a roadmap for control over and reduction of HFCsbetween 2024 and 2045.
One of the achievements made in the work so far is the legalisationof regulations on ozone layer protection in Article 92 of the 2020 Law onEnvironmental Protection, and guiding documents which will take effect fromJanuary 1 next year.
On the occasion of this year’s World Ozone Day (September16), the MoNRE has launched an art contest on the theme.
The Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987 and entered intoforce on January 1, 1989. It is an international treaty designed to protect theozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that areresponsible for ozone depletion.
To date, it has been ratified by 197 countries, and has been one of the most successful environmentalagreements to date. A united global effort to phase out ozone-depletingsubstances means that today, the hole in the ozone layer is healing, in turnprotecting human health, economies and ecosystems.
Vietnam became a signatory of the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change in 1992, the Vienna Convention for the Protectionof the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol in 1994./.