Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam is ready forthe APEC Economic Leaders’ Week, which is scheduled to take place in thecentral coastal city of Da Nang from November 6-11, Senior Lieutenant GeneralBui Van Nam, Deputy Minister of Public Security affirmed in a recent interview withNhan dan (People) newspaper.
Preparations for the APEC Year 2017, especiallythe APEC Economic Leaders’ Week, have been carried out thoroughly sincemid-2015 with the establishment of the APEC 2017 National Committee and theAPEC 2017 National Secretariat, he said.
The APEC 2017 Security and Order Subcommittee,which was established by the Ministry of Public Security in May 2016, hasworked with other subcommittees in the APEC 2017 National Committee to ensuresecurity for six conferences and dialogues at ministerial and senior officiallevels as well as more than 120 meetings held in eight centrally-run cities andprovinces.
The successful organisation of APEC events sofar this year have been recognised by Party and State leaders and internationalfriends, he noted.
With the close direction of the Party CentralCommittee, the President and the Prime Minister along with the whole politicalsystem, ministries and departments and the warm support of people, Vietnam isready for the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week, he stressed.
Established in 1989, APEC comprises 21economies, including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong,Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, PapuaNew Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand,the US, and Vietnam.
APEC represents about 39 percent of the world’spopulation and contributes 57 percent to global GDP and 49 percent ofinternational trade.
Vietnam joined APEC in 1998 and is hosting APECevents in 2017 under the theme “Creating New Dynamism, Fostering a SharedFuture”, which is its second time after the first in 2006.
The APEC Economic Leaders’ Week 2017 is expectedto welcome leaders from 21 member economies as well as nearly 4,000 foreign andlocal reporters.-VNA