Speaking at the ceremony,Indonesian Ambassador to Vietnam Pitono Purnomo said the bilateralrelationship has developed continuously since the two countries set updiplomatic ties 55 years ago. At that time, Indonesia was the fourthnation in the world and the first in Southeast Asia to establishdiplomatic relations with Vietnam .
The ambassadorexpressed his belief that the fine friendship between the two countrieswill continue flourishing in the future together with the commondevelopment of ASEAN.
He affirmed that the ceremonyoffered a chance for the two countries to review the 55-year path theyhave gone through and further strengthen bilateral ties in all fields.
Tran Chien Thang, Vice President of the Vietnam-Indonesia FriendshipAssociation, said that over the past 55 years, Vietnam and Indonesiahave witnessed strong developments in their bilateral ties,especially in economic areas such as trade.
Vietnam-Indonesia cooperation has been further strengthened thanks toeach country’s active participation in ASEAN and other regional andinternational forums, especially when Vietnam assumed the ASEAN Chairin 2010 and Indonesia is taking the post this year./.