Ca Mau (VNA) - Manysections of the western sea dyke in Ca Mauand Kien Giang provinces in the Mekong Delta have seriously eroded and couldcollapse at any time if prompt protective measures are not taken.
Strong winds, rough seas and big waves occurring with considerable frequency inthe two provinces’ western coasts have resulted in severe erosion of thewestern sea dyke.
A 700m section of the western sea dyke in An Minh district’s Van Khanh Tay commune in Kien Giang has been damaged by theimpact of tropical typhoon Sinlaku back in 2008. The storm caused salt water tointrude deep into the arable land, severely affecting local agriculturalproduction.
The provincial People’s Committee said that forces had been mobilised toreinforce the damaged dyke section. However, many locals are worried aboutcontinued erosion on rainy days.
In the long term, the province will build outside embankments and breakwaters,as well as restore protective forests to protect the dyke.
It is also urging people to move to safe areas to mitigate possible losses anddamage.
Localities have been asked to develop plans to mobilise all resources on siteand be ready to respond when a bad situation happens.
Erosion has occurred in three sections of the western sea dyke in Ca Mau with a total length of nearly 3,000 metres.
If the dyke breaks, about 26,160 households living in the coastal area and90,000ha of agricultural land could be affected.
To Quoc Nam,deputy director of the province’s Department of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment, said the western sea dyke could collapse if there are noappropriate solutions.
The department is undertaking urgent works to protect the dyke, but these havebeen delayed due to unfavourable weather conditions, he said.
Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Tien Hai has urged contractors to speed up constructionof embankment projects and deal with landslide sites.
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has been asked to work withrelevant units to review the entire western sea dyke and propose appropriatesolutions to the committee./.