The Vietnamese Party and State always attach specialimportance to youth and the youth work, and place faith in the force and theYouth Union, Hue said at a meeting with the HCYU Central Committee’sSecretariat on the occasion of the 92nd anniversary of theHCYU.
Speaking highly of the theme of “Digital Transformation” that the HCYU CentralCommittee has selected for the Youth Month 2023, he stressed that this is animportant and urgent task that can make Vietnam integrate more deeply into thegeneral development of the world.
The NA Chairman highlighted the importance of continuing toinnovate the content and mode of operation in the context of digitaltransformation; and carrying out tasks and solutions to promote theintelligence and strength of young people through three movements: "Volunteer Youth", "CreativeYouth", and "Youth Pioneers to Defend the Fatherland".
The HCYU should implement measures to accompany and takecare of adolescents in all aspects of learning, start-ups, training anddeveloping skills in life, improving physical health and spiritual life.
As youths are an important part of Vietnam's workforce, itis necessary to intensify support for them to have stable jobs, in accordancewith actual requirements and capacity, emphasised Hue.
He proposed the Government focus on directing the Ministryof Home Affairs, relevant ministries, sectors and authorities at all levels toclosely coordinate with the HCYU Central Committee to well implement the 2020 YouthLaw and the Vietnamese Youth Development Strategy in the 2021-2030 period.
Regarding the ninth Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Forum ofYoung Parliamentarians to be hosted by Vietnam in September, the NA Chairmanstated that hosting this important forum shows the deep concern of the Party,State and NA leaders about Vietnamese youth, and helps strengthen the country’scooperation with important partners, especially young parliamentarians and leadersof other countries.
Appreciating the preparations for this event, Hue affirmedthat this will be a good opportunity to promote the image of Vietnamese youth,the related movements in particular and the country and people of Vietnam ingeneral to international friends./.