The loans will help theVietnamese Government increase public private partnerships (PPP) andinfrastructure investment, enhance the competitiveness of towns alongthe Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) economic corridors, improve sanitaryand phytosanitary conditions, and food safety handling in cross bordertrade and tourism, as well as develop the national capacity to mitigateHIV risks and vulnerability in border areas with other GMS countries.
To increase private sector investment ininfrastructure, ADB will provide a 20-million USD loan from its AsianDevelopment Fund (ADF) to fund the Public Private Partnership SupportProject. The money will be used to establish a Project DevelopmentFacility (PDF) to bring bankable PPP projects to the market.
To enhance the competitiveness of towns along the East-West andSouthern Economic Corridors and transform the GMS transport corridorsinto vibrant economic corridors, a 130 million USD loan will convert thecorridor towns of Dong Ha, Lao Bao and Moc Bai into economic hubs byimproving urban-environmental infrastructure and the institutionalcapacities of provincial and local authorities.
Tohelp Vietnam improve food safety, ADB will provide an 11 millionUSD ADF loan to finance the Trade Facilitation: Improved Sanitary andPhytosanitary Handling in GMS Trade Project. The project will supportthe country establish food safety surveillance and inspectionprogrammes, including food handling in the tourism industry, andregional cooperation in sanitary and phytosantary management in GMS foodtrade.
To reach high-risk and vulnerablepopulations in the border areas along shared economic corridors, ADB andthe Vietnamese Government are implementing the GMS Capacity Buildingfor HIV/AIDS Prevention Project. Financed by a 15 million USD ADF loan,the project will help the Government develop its national and regionalcapacity to mitigate HIV risks and vulnerability, primarily in Vietnam’s15 border provinces.-VNA