African student’s passion for Vietnamese history

History, often perceived as a tough and “dry” subject for many youngsters, has found an ardent admirer in an international student hailing from the distant lands of Africa. Oraiden, a student from Mozambique, has a special passion for the history of Vietnam, forging a deep connection with the country and its people.

This passion for Vietnamese history propelled Oraiden to overcome language barriers, achieving remarkable academic success, including a perfect score in the Marx-Lenin political economy subject and winning accolades in a Vietnamese eloquence competition.

Taking advantage of his time in Vietnam, Oraiden extensively researches and learns about the history, culture, and people of Vietnam. This passion even led him to a role in a film about Vietnamese history called “Dao, pho and piano”, which gained attention from the public.

Every activity becomes an intriguing experience for the young man with a unique passion for history./.