- Inspector General of Vietnam’s Government Inspectorate Doan Hong Phong heldtalks with President of the Lao State Inspection Authority Khamphan Phommaphatin Hanoi on June 1, during which they signed a new agreement to further enhancecooperation in inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations, andcorruption fight. Read full story
- Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien Vietnamhas successfully produced a vaccine against African swine fever (ASF), and theministry will officially announce this achievement, and grant a circulationpermit for the vaccine on June 3, stated Tien. Read full story
- Hanoi - Hai Phong Expressway is applying full electronic toll collection(ETC) on a trial basis, starting at 9am on June 1, according to the Directoratefor Roads of Vietnam. Read full story
- Vietnam’s fishery export hit 1 billion USD in May, up 27 percent year-on-yearbut down from the 1.1 billion USD recorded in the previous month, the VietnamAssociation of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) reported. Read full story
- The Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (Vietrade) is holding an onlinebusiness-to-business conference to seek ways for bolstering trade with Latvia.
In 2021,bilateral trade increased 2 percent year on year to around 240.7 million USD,with Vietnam exporting 219.24 million USD and importing 21.46 million USD worthof goods, respectively up 4.4 percent and down 17.9 percent. The trade turnoverstood at 66.7 million USD in the first quarter of 2022, statistics show. Reaf full story
- Twocritically endangered animals have been put under protection of the Cuc PhuongNational Park in northern Ninh Binh province after they were found nearresidential areas, the national park announced on June 1. Read full story
- National Archives Centre No. 3 received a photo album on industries inVietnam in the early years of the 20th century from a Vietnamese-Frenchethnologist on June 1.