☕ Afternoon briefing on September 25

The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.
☕ Afternoon briefing on September 25 ảnh 1

Hanoi (VNA) - The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.

- President Vo Van Thuong has welcomed President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez’s visit to Vietnam to attend a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s trip to the liberated zone in Southern Vietnam.

☕ Afternoon briefing on September 25 ảnh 2President Vo Van Thuong (R) and President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez. (Photo: VNA)

At a reception for Hernandez in Hanoi on September 25, Thuong said this is a special occasion to review the tradition of cooperation and solidarity between the two countries and to reminisce the sentiments of Fidel Castro, the State and people of Cuba for the Vietnamese people's struggle for national liberation, construction and development. Read full story

- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on September 24 asked Vietnamese and Brazilian businesses to concretise cooperation mechanisms with specific programmes and projects, with an aim to bring two-way trade turnover to 10 billion USD by 2025, and 15-20 billion USD by 2030 in a more balanced direction.

☕ Afternoon briefing on September 25 ảnh 3Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the talk with Brazilian businesses. (Photo: VNA)

PM Chinh, who is in an official visit to the South American country, stressed that after nearly 35 years of the establishment of diplomatic ties, the bilateral relations have developed positively in all fields. Read full story  

- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception for President of the Communist Party of Brazil Luciana Santos and its leadership in Brasilia on September 24 as part of his official visit to the South American country.

☕ Afternoon briefing on September 25 ảnh 4Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) and President of the Communist Party of Brazil Luciana Santos. (Photo: VNA)

Hailing the Communist Party of Brazil’s achievements and positive role in the country’s politics, PM Chinh affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, Government and people always bear in mind and respect the Brazilian people, the Communist Party of Brazil, left-wing forces, and peace lovers' sentiments and valuable support for and assistance to the Vietnamese people during their past struggle for national liberation as well as the curent cause of national construction and protection. Read full story

- Public opinion in the US is generally positive about Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s trip to the US from September 17-23 to attend the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, which took place immediately after the upgrading of the Vietnam - US relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership on the occasion of US President Joe Biden’s official visit to Vietnam.

Speaking at a ceremony on September 19 to mark the 78th National Day of Vietnam and celebrate the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development between Vietnam and the US at the US Institute of Peace (USIP), Todd Frantz, former Assistant of US Defence Attaché to Vietnam in 2007-2010, said the relationship between the two countries has come a long way and continues to evolve and the US looks forward to a cooperative and peaceful relationship in the future. Read full story

- National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue had meetings with the Chairman of the Bulgaria-Vietnam Friendship Association, several Vietnamese Ambassadors to European countries, and representatives of Vietnamese communities in Europe in Sofia on September 24 (local time) as part of his ongoing visit to Bulgaria.

☕ Afternoon briefing on September 25 ảnh 5National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (R) meets Chairman of the Bulgaria-Vietnam Friendship Association Simeon Dimchev (Photo: VNA)

Talking to Chairman of the Bulgaria-Vietnam Friendship Association Simeon Dimchev, the NA Chairman highlighted the close friendship and all-round cooperation between the two countries over the past 73 years, and underlined that Vietnam always attaches great importance to and hopes to further promote ties with Bulgaria. Read full story

- It is very rare to find such special relations as the ties between the Parties, States, and people of Vietnam and Cuba, set up by Cuban national hero Jose Marti, President Ho Chi Minh, and President Fidel Castro and nurtured by generations of leaders of both countries.

At the invitation of Vietnamese Party and State leaders, Politburo member and President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez is paying a visit to Vietnam from September 24-28, during which he will represent Cuban Party and State leaders to attend a ceremony marking 50 years since Cuban leader Fidel Castro visited the liberated zone in South Vietnam in September 1973. Read full story

- Since the establishment of a strategic partnership a decade ago (September 25, 2013-2023), Vietnam-France ties have been growing rapidly both in width and depth, Vietnamese Ambassador Dinh Toan Thang told the Vietnam News Agency in a recent interview on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of bilateral strategic partnership.

The ambassador said France has always been one of the leading partners of Vietnam in Europe and the world, adding that France places great importance on Vietnam's position in the region, as evidenced by its ongoing strategies and policies in Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific. Read full story

- The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will focus on helping Vietnam in general and the labour, invalids and social affairs sector in particular in supporting disadvantaged groups, and extending cooperation to many new areas in the coming time, UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam Ramla Al Khalidi has said.

Meeting Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung recently, Ramla Khalidi proposed the two sides coordinate in implementing new projects related to employment support for people with disabilities (PwDs) and bomb and mine victims, raise the voice of PwDs in public agencies and at political forums, and protect vulnerable persons such as workers who lose their jobs due to factory closures during the just energy transition process. Read full story

- Shooter Ngo Huu Vuong secured the first silver medal for Vietnam at the 19th Asian Games (ASIAD 2023) in Hangzhou city of China's Zhejiang province on September 25.

☕ Afternoon briefing on September 25 ảnh 6Shooter Ngo Huu Vuong (second from right) and Vietnamese coaches at ASIAD 2023. (Photo: VNA)

Vuong finished second in the men’s 10m air rifle running target category with 571 points, surpassing his own achievements in the last ASIAD which took place in Indonesia when he bagged a bronze medal./.Read full story


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