The incentives focus on 18 main activities,including forest planting and protection, large-scale rice field,large-scale husbandry and aquaculture, breeding of plant and animal,biotechnology application, fodder production and processing andpreservation of agro-forestry-fishery products, among others.
Projects in designated “Rural areas” and “Agricultural activitiessubject to special preferential treatment” will be exempted from landuse fee, land rent and water surface rent if they lease State-owned landin the first five years of operation. Those which lease land or watersurface from households will receive subsidies for 20 percent of therent for five years.
Investors in these two categories alsoreceive support in the form of 50 percent of advertisement cost, 50percent of costs to attend domestic fairs and exhibitions and 70 percentof research cost for new technology.
Projectsin “agricultural activities subject to preferential treatment” will beentitled to a 70 percent reduction in land use fee and the lowest landand water surface rent during the first 15 years of operation.
Meanwhile, in the category of “agricultural activities whereinvestment is encouraged,” investors will be given a 50 percentreduction in land use fee together with the lowest land and watersurface rent for the first 11 years of operation.
The province also provide projects using 4 ha of land or more withfinancial support for land clearance and building waste water treatmentsystem.
All the support and incentives comewith the condition that the investment project should use local workersfor at least 30 percent of its staff and source 60 percent of materialssuch as rice, maize and seafood from An Giang province.-VNA