The ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on DisasterManagement (AHA Centre) recently kicked off the project “Establishmentof an integrated information and communication technology to strengthenthe operation of AHA Centre-Phase II” (AHA ICT-Phase II project).
The 18-month project, which commenced on May 17, aims to establishconnectivity of the AHA Centre with all of national disaster managementoffices (NDMOs) to ensure that all necessary data and information can beexchanged between the two sides during disaster and non-disastersituation.
This phase is a continuation of AHACentre ICT-Phase I, funded the Government of Japan through theJapan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF), which concentrated on establishingICT platforms, systems and equipment for the AHA Centre.
The 5 million USD project, also supported by the JAIF, will developspecial software to facilitate the offer of assistance from ASEAN memberstates upon the request of disaster-affected countries in the regionand coordination by the AHA Centre.
Trainingprogrammes will also be provided to the staff of both the AHA Centre andNDMOs to manage and operate the ICT system developed under the project.
The project is expected to enhance disaster responsecapability of ASEAN and its member states and further develop thefunction of the AHA Centre as a regional hub for disaster management inthe region.-VNA