CIEM estimated there were more than 5,000 business prerequisites in around 400legal documents.
To date, 542 prerequisites were amended, 771 removed and 111 replaced, but 29new conditions were released.
Phan Duc Hieu, CIEM Deputy Director, said the deregulation push failed to meetthe Government’s goal of cutting 50 percent of prerequisites.
He added that many business prerequisites, despite being amended, remainedvague and lacked transparency.
According to Hieu, several removed regulations do not bring any changes. Somecause more difficulties for businesses.
“Deregulation is just a small part. What’s more important is the quality ofregulations,” he said.
According to Nguyen Minh Thao from the CIEM’s Business Environment andCompetitiveness Committee, unnecessary prerequisites remained popular,hindering business operation.
Many prerequisites were amended in name only while several were compiled intoone document, Thao said, adding some were amended but in fact not simplified.
Dau Anh Tuan, head of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)’sLegal Department, said deregulation still focused on simplification whilelittle attention was paid to completely removing prerequisites.
“The deregulation must create real breakthroughs,” Tuan stressed, adding that toimprove deregulation, it was necessary to listen to contributions fromenterprises.
Experts at the conference proposed an independent organisation to measure thequality of deregulation.
The Government issued Resolution 139/NQ-CP on November 9 to introduce an actionprogramme to cut costs for enterprises.
The Government asked ministries and local management agencies to strengthenreforms, especially in cutting unreasonable costs and creating favourableconditions for enterprises.
By 2020, the deregulation in investment, land, construction, tax payments andsocial insurance should reach the average score of ASEAN 4 in the World Bank’sDoing Business report. – VNA