Hanoi (VNA) - The Ministry of Public Health, theMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development in coordination with the WorldHealth Organisation (WHO) and the Food andAgriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) on November 18 launched a campaign to raise public awareness on responsible use of antibiotics in Vietnam.
The campaign calls on individuals, groups, organisations and communities to perform their role in order to end antibiotic abuse in hospitals, farms andhouseholds.
According to WHO, World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) takes place annually on November 18 – 24, aiming to globally raisepublic awareness on antimicrobial resistance and encourage the best practices in the community, among healthcare workers and policy makers in orderto prevent the emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections.
Antimicrobial resistance(AMR) has emerged as one of the principal public health problems of the 21stcentury that threatens the effective prevention and treatment of anever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses andfungi no longer susceptible to the common medicines used to treat them.
In the Western Pacific region, including Vietnam, the media message of the WAAW is "responsible use of antibiotics", aiming to callon people to take action against antimicrobial resistance as an overarchingprinciple demonstrated by protecting themselves, society and futuregenerations.
Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Truong Son underlined the importance to raisepublic awareness on antibiotic use in accordance with the five right rules,especially in the context of complicated developments of COVID-19.
Medical establishments at all levels need to focus on improving and optimising thesafe and rational use of antibiotics, contributing to the prevention of drugresistance in treatment and for the future, he said.
According to Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung DucTien, the overuse of antibiotics in the livestock, aquaculture and horticultureindustries poses a risk for emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistantmicroorganisms.
The ministry has worked to phase out the use of antimicrobials for growthpromotion, Tien said, adding that the ministry is working with producers tomaintain animal health, and improve productivity.
Dr Kidong Park, WHO Representative in Vietnam, said antibiotic resistance is a fundamental threat to humanhealth and one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.
Global consumption of antibiotics in humans has increasedover the past two decades, mainly due to the increasing use of antibiotics inlow-income and middle income countries, he noted.
Issues related antibiotic resistance must be addressed urgently, through the 'OneHealth' approach, involvingstrong and long-term commitments from governments and other stakeholders, hesaid, adding that WHO stands ready to assist governments in ensuring theaccessibility and effectiveness of essential medicines in the future.
Remi Nono Womdim, FAO Representative in Vietnam, said taking actions to combatdrug resistance will make food systems more resilient and sustainable.
FAO is currently applying the 'One Health' approach, connecting with differentsectors to support governments and stakeholders in the field, he said./.